An island with more churches than houses, spectacular views, white-washed buildings, and the famous blue domes. That’s Santorini, a magical destination! Also known for the most romantic sunsets in the world. I was fortuned to visit this beautiful island in Greece and witness the beauty with my own eyes.
Wondering about what you could do in Santorini? Keep on reading my beautiful friends!
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Stay in famous Oia
Yes, Oia is known as the most popular sunset destination in the world. But it’s just as wonderful during the daytime. Explore the cute alleys, go shopping and be prepared to fill your camera’s memory card with tons of beautiful photos. This is one of Santorini’s most photogenic spots!
I advise you to stay a couple of nights in Oia (if your wallet lets you) because there is nothing better than getting up in the morning hours and witness the beauty of Oia before it gets too crowded. Having breakfast with the most famous background is a memory that you’ll never forget in your life!

Make amazing photos!
Santorini has a lot to offer when it comes to picturesque places. Literally every corner is amazingly beautiful, cute and dreamy. So of course, one of my main goals was to make beautiful photos. I mean, it’s almost impossible for one to not take any pictures! Santorini is really a photographer’s dream come true. I will definitely make another blog post about all the best photo spots on this Island.

Explore the island!
Santorini isn’t a big island. It’s actually very small. On the East Coast, you’ll find beach resorts and cheaper hotels. On the West Coast, you’ll find the famous cliffs and white buildings.
We decided to rent a car to explore the island. We drove around and visited two famous beaches. The red beach and the black sandy beach. Both unique in different kinds of ways. It was a nice experience to walk on black volcano sand. The contrast between the sand and the water is also very unique.

Visit the volcano
Did you know that Santorini was formed by an eruption? The island group of Santorini is the most well-known and active volcanic center of the Hellenic Volcanic Arc in the south Aegean Sea. The volcano can be visited during your stay.
We didn’t want to leave before checking ‘visiting a volcano’ off of our bucket list. So that’s what we did! We booked an excursion for around €20,- pp and visited the volcano. It was such a unique and interesting experience. Be prepared to walk a lot!! The hike from the boat to the top of the volcano is not easy. But the view is absolutely amazing so it’s worth it. In the picture on the left, you can see the crater. It looks small until you compare it to the people you see in the background. We even saw smoke coming out of the crater. So cool!

Take a sunset cruise
What better way to explore the island of Santorini than on a catamaran? We booked a semi-private Catamaran cruise with Spiridakos Sailing Cruises. Five hours of pure magic. Moments I will never forget. A minivan picks you up from your hotel and provides you with snorkeling equipment, towels, drinks and dinner onboard (also vegetarian options). Throughout the day, we stopped at different swimming locations. We also stopped at the hot springs, near the volcano. And ended the cruise with a sunset. We paid around €90,- pp and it was worth all the money!
The views you will have on this trip are breathtakingly beautiful! This sailing cruise was an excellent experience and one to remember forever! This was definitely the highlight of our trip! The crew, the views, the food everything was amazing! If I had to choose one thing to do in Santorini I would choose to go on a catamaran cruise!
Have an ice cream at Lolita Gelato
I heard a lot of people saying that Lolita Gelato has the best ice cream in the world. I was very doubtful about it. I though ice is ice, right? I mean what can there be so amazing about ice cream. Even though I didn’t believe it I still decided to give it a try and see why a lot of people are sooo exaggerating about it.
So I bought a pistachio flavored ice cream. After I tried it I couldn’t believe it. Omg, this ice was amazing!! I never had any ice cream that tasted like this in my life. It was so creamy and yummy!! So, of course, we came back a couple of times to buy to enjoy it again before we leave. This one had to be on my list of things you MUST do when in Santorini. You won’t regret it!

I hope you consider the things written above when you’re in Santorini! There are a lot of other things that you can do, but these are the things I definitely recommend to everyone.
Please let me know in the comments if these recommendations were helpful and if you have any questions feel free to ask me!

Your blog is so beautiful. One of the best I’ve seen and you have definitely enticed me to go to Santorini
Thank you so much Nicola. I’m glad I have inspired you to visit Santorini! It’s a lovely Island.
Your photos are stunning, makes me want to go. I heard that Santorini is very touristy but it looks already. Unless you are a great illusionist! 🙂
Thank you so much Mayi. It is a super-duper touristic island. You just have to be smart and know when your visiting!
Ziet er prachtig uit! Het trekt mij ook wel heel erg Santorini, en staat al een tijdje op mijn lijstje. Maar ben ook een beetje bang dat het te toeristisch is en de charme wat verloren gaat door toerisme en “influencers” die het plaatsje overnemen. Of valt dat wel mee?
Santorini is werkgelijkwaar echt een prachtig eiland. Het is zeker een erg druk bezochte eiland. Je moet daarom absoluut niet in het hoogseizoen gaan. Ik ben net voor het hoogseizoen geweest en dat was perfect! Heb geen last gehad van de massa toerisme:)
Indeed, you have to make pictures, when you’re in Santorini. It’s a must! Such a beautiful place!
I know right!? Every street and corner is so pretty! It’s impossible to not make any photos !
Wow, those pictures are just beautiful. Santorina was already on my wishlist, but I think I have to consider giving it more priority 🙂 Oia looks like paradise.
Hi Marcha. Thank you so much! You should before it gets even more popular and crowded :0 . Oia really feels like paradise on earth!
ik zie deze plaats steeds vaker voorbij komen en snap wel waarom want het is mooi daarzo!
Santorini is een prachtig eiland, maar dat vind ik van wel meer Griekse eilanden. Ook de Peloponnese is de moeite waard. Griekenland is een mooi land met vriendelijke mensen.
Santorini is zeker een prachtig eiland! De Peloponnese eilanden heb ik niet eerder gehoord. Zal het zeker eens even opzoeken! Griekenland is idd prachtig!
Santorini was 1 van mijn mooiste trips. Zoo perfect beschreven! Het was ? I want to Go back again!!
Dat kan ik mij voorstellen! Ik mis het ook super erg!
What a beautifull way of showing the reader around on Santori. I’v never been to Greece, but you’ve painted a perfect picture of an idyllic island.
Really want to visit Santorini. It looks so beautiful. Such a great guide. Thanks
Hi Imane,
I really love this post. Santorini is definitely on my bucketlist! Thank you for the amazing tips and the pretty pictures!